Prospective and climate change
By basing all of its expertise in modeling, optimization, control and decision-making mathematics and real time computing, the CMA has developed expertise in decision-support in the field of energy. Its prospective approach is based on optimization models of the MARKAL/TIMES family developed in the context of the IEA program (International Energy Agency) where the CMA represents France.
Shedding light on public policies
- Decision-support at ministerial level
Work in the context of the 2050 Energy Commission in view of establishing the French energy strategy by 2050. To accompany this expert mission, a new thesis was initiated in late 2015/early 2016 at the CMA with Ariane Millot, on the issue, “Exploring decarbonation levers at national level: from ambition to achievement. To find out more.
- Decision-support for regional authorities in waste management
Participation in the E3D Environment project whose aim is to create a new generation of environmentally friendly services.
- Decision-support for regional authorities in managing communication with their citizens
Collaboration in the ECOTYPE project, an interactive town planning game.
- Decision-support in the tertiary residential sector
Participation in SmartEnco which aims to devise a decision-support tool for reducing the consumption of buildings and small industries.
A CIFRE thesis with the start-up WattGo, specializing in disaggregating of load curves in the residential sector, was commenced in late 2015/early 2016.
- Critical analysis of a publication by the European Climate Foundation, Roadmap 2050: a practical guide for a low-carbon Europe.
Collaboration with the IER University of Stuttgart in the Roadmap 2050 project.
- International issues
A thesis in prospective modeling for the long-term study of energy strategies in South America was initiated at the end of 2012 and defended in Decmber 2015. The doctoral research was carried out by Sébastien POSTIC and supervised by Nadia MAÏZI and Sandrine SELOSSE.
Shedding light on technological choices
- Smart grids and renewable energies
Research carried out by the CMA in partnership with SCHNEIDER-ELECTRIC to assess the issues linked to the deployment of the smart grid in a long-term prospective vision based on models of the TIMES family. Ces travaux ont fait l'objet de plusieurs thèses : Stéphanie Bouckaert (soutenue en 2014), Vincent KRAKOWSKI (en cours) et Jérome Gutierrez (en cours) To find out more...
- Prospective analysis of multi-energy flexibility solutions
A doctoral thesis on this subject was started in 2015 in partnership with GRTgaz. For more information.
- Biomass prospective and forest strategy
A thesis on the Study of the French bioenergy sector, technologies and resources to meet demand in 2050, was initiated at the end of 2011. Led by Paul HUGUES under the supervision of Edi ASSOUMOU, it was realized in partnership with Sofiprotéol, an industrial and financial company of French oil and protein industries.
- Industrial strategies
A thesis on diffuse industrial sectors was defended by Gondia SECK in 2012. It completes the work of the CMA, carried out in partnership with EDF, on industry, a major energy consumer. This thesis was directed by Gilles GUERASSIMOFF.
Going further in our understanding of systems
- Behavioral paradigms
Several theses come under the context of this research, notably:
- A thesis on the critical prospective analysis of degrowth as a transition project towards frugal affluent societies, carried out by François BRIENS and supervised by Nadia MAÏZI.
- A thesis on the modeling of energy consumption of households and their economic strategies carried out by Elena STOLYAROVA and supervised by Nadia MAÏZI and Hélène LE CADRE in partnership with EDF R&D.
- A thesis on the exploration of lifestyle evolutions in energy-climate prospective exercises, carried out by Thomas LE GALLIC under the supervision of Nadia MAÏZI and Edi ASSOUMOU.
To find out more about behavioral paradigms...